Q & A
What are the differences between the many kinds of Tenbin?
"Tenbin" are broadly divided into "Fixed Tenbin," "Idling Tenbin" and "Winged Tenbin" "Fixed Tenbin" is mainly used in "pull fishing" where it is ulled in gradually after casting. "Idling Tenbin" is used when you place the rod down after casting and do nothing. It is better to choose a rod with a softer tip when using"Idling Tenbin". "Winged Tenbin" is used in fishing areas with a lot of structures or when fishing in deeper areas.

What is a taper line?
When cast fishing, there is a heavy load placed on the rig and fishing line. If you directly connect a thin main line to the rig, it can often snap with the impact of casting. To prevent this from happening, a 10-15m taper line is connected between the rig and the main line. Taper lines include nylon line and PE line, and these lines are gradually getting thicker and thicker.
For example if the main line is #3, you should choose a #3-10 line and tie the #3 to the end of the main line and the #10 to the rig itself.

What are the criteria for choosing line?
Line is broadly divided into "PE line", "Fluorocarbon line" and "Nylon line". "PE line" is generally used as it can be casted a longer distance and bites are much easier to notice. "PE line" is quite light and floats in the water, so it is difficult to use in strong winds and when there is a lot of floating trash in the water. It is easier to fish with a "Nylon line" when you need to cast a long distance in windy conditions and "Fluorocarbon line" when there is a lot of trash, as it sinks in the water.

I find it difficult to touch live ISOME baits
Live ISOME baits are quite successful for catching fish, but there are many women and children who can't touch them. We have artificial ISOME baits for these people. It is easy to say that results aren't as good compared to live baits, however thanks to technological advancements there are now more products which are as successful as live baits.

What is the reason for using stone powder?
Slimy baits such as ISOME are difficult to put on the hook, so "Stone Powder" is often used to prevent slipperiness. The "Stone Powder" weakens the live ISOME, so it often sprinkled on them just before placing it on the hook. MARUKYU produces non-slip powder that doesn't weaken the ISOME too much, and also contains extra ingredients that attract fish even more.

Which out of "Salt tightened raw baits" and "Regular raw baits" are more successful?
It is often said that "Salt tightening weakened live ISOME" and "Softer raw baits" is a good method. By sprinkling salt on weakened or dead ISOME or soft baits such as fish meat, the moisture in the bait is emitted and the meat can harden. As a result, it is harder for it to fall off the hook. MARUKYU offers salts with a variety of different taste and smell. As it emits the moisture of the bait and instead adds ingredients which attract more fish, and can then be cast further, these baits are in some areas regarded higher than live baits.