Piers and Harbours
Remember to be careful when fishing on the breakwater, as it can be dangerous.

Rock Fishing
Fishing alone can be dangerous, remember to always take a friend! Target spots where two currents meet, or where there is some structure(rocks, weed, etc.) on the bottom.


Float fishing involves casting attractant bait into a particular area to attract the fish (usually at the sea bottom), and then inserting a hook bait in the same area to catch the fish. This means the target fish (black bream and red sea bream in Japan) are those that live close to the sea bottom.

Try Using a Different Float!
The first thing to do is balance your float. Add split-shot sinkers to the line to get the float to sit at an easy to see depth. The next thing to do check the depth of the water. Knowing what is below the water is very important when fishing.

In UKI FUKASE FISHING, you catch fish as they swim upward to eat the bait falling from above them. After casting a lighter attractant bait, you slowly cast in a hook bait so it falls at the same speed as the attractant bait. Black fish are the main target of this form of fishing in Japan, however black bream and red sea bream can also be targets when they are highly active, as they often swim upward to eat the bait.

Divide and Conquer
When little pesky fish are active and you can't keep your bait on the hook, splitting the big and little fish apart can make it a lot easier to catch target fish. However be careful not to drop any attractant inbetween the your two points as shown below.

1. Firstly spread attracatant where you plan to cast.

2. Reel in any slack line, and move the hook bait into the attractant cloud.

3. Quickly throw in more attractant on top of the hook bait, so that it it has attractant both below and above, and increases it chances of mixing in with the attractant cloud. Without making the line too tight let the hook bait float with the tide.

Attractant is very important for float fishing. Not only does it attract fish, but by using the current and adjusting the attractant you can make it a lot easier to catch target fish.

TIMING The movement of the float should only be used as a guide.

Krill (prawn/shrimp) baits are normally used when the fish are active. So you should be looking for large movement in the float, and then striking when the float almost dissapears into the water. When the fish are active the float will sometimes completely dissapear beneath the water!

When using paste baits it is best to let the fish take the bait completely into their mouth before striking and setting the hook. This will lower the chances of a bad or weak hook up. Try waiting until the float has dissapeared beneath the water, take a breath and then strike! When the fish are active the float will sometimes completely dissapear beneath the water!

1. Firstly the float should just sit poking out of the water. 2. The float should sink slowly under, till it is just visible. The could be either because it is caught in the tide, or the bait is being nibbled. Do not strike or try to set the hook at this type of movement 3. If the float sinks very quickly, wuickly wind in any slack line and pull the rod up to set the hook in the fish.